Monday, January 31, 2011

Gratitude As A Magic Wand

Miracles are showing up every day--unexpected opportunities, new potential clients calling, signs and signals from the Universe at every turn. It's incredible. And I've only done one thing to allow it to happen--I focus on what I am grateful for and I thank the universe many times a day.

What we focus on is what we attract. The Law of Attraction says like attracts like. So when I focus on having a large savings account that means there is no debt. When I focus on a flexible body, that means my body is toned and balanced. Get the idea? If you want more clients, focus on the great ones you do have and you will attract more of them. If you have a difficult client, focus on the great clients you do have and you'll draw more of them. If you focus on the difficult client, guess what you'll get....more difficult clients.

Start a Gratitude List. The easiest way to change your thinking around gratitude is to start a Gratitude List. Keep it handy. Enter into it at night before you go to bed. Enter into it in the morning when you journal and meditate. Keep it at your desk during the day. When you start looking for the abundance of good that the Universe sends your way, you'll need an entire notebook for your list!

Ask for Signs. This is one of my favorites. If I am not certain about a pending decision, I ask for signs and signals. It always works. Once I got a signal in the form of an opportunity that I said "no" to because I had another plan in mind, but a few days later I realized that it had indeed been a prompt from my Invisible Self and I needed to say "yes." It's ok to refuse an opportunity, but do be clear about exactly what you are saying "no" to.

Let Go and Give It Over To the Universe. Plans can get in the way. If I have some sort of major plan that I am attached to, I'm not going to see or hear or accept the opportunities that the Universe sends my way. On the other hand, when I move through my day being open to what is naturally appearing, I let myself be guided into the infinite possibilities that the Universe is offering me! When I hold tightly to my own concepts of how things should be, I literally shut off the flow of life. Stay open to the infinite flow that is within and without you every moment. Accept its gifts that are constantly being offered.

Be in the Here and Now. There is nothing that exists beside this very moment. There is no tomorrow. There is no yesterday. Worry is a waste of time. Worry makes you sick. Do you know what the word "worry" means? It means concern, anxiety, agonize, apprehension, fear. Who needs it! There is nothing you can do about the future; there is nothing you can do about the past. And why bother; you have everything you need this very moment.

Hugh Prather says it perfectly:

"To be fully content within this moment is a state of mind so powerful in its ability to heal and extend peace that it cannot be even hinted at in words. Anxiety--the only alternative to trusting what is happening--is a state of immobilization caused by our focusing on what we believe cannot be changed; on what is over; or on what has not occurred.

This instant we have everything we need, and within this instant we have everything. We can therefore trust what happens because there will never be a time when it will not be now. "

Wave Your Magic Wand. Be grateful this minute. Be grateful in every moment of now. Be grateful for the sun shining in the window, or the rain watering the land. Be grateful for your companionship with others and for the silence of your own company. If your life is not yet exactly how you would like it to be, focus on the parts of it that bring you joy and satisfaction and watch more joy and satisfaction come into your life. Watch for the signs and signals. Some are big and others could almost go unnoticed. Allow yourself to be in the moment--fully and completely in the incredibility of the moment--and give thanks for the infinite possibilities that are lined up before you.

Gratitude is a magic wand. Wave it every day.

Cara Lumen helps bring your vision to life. She is a metaphysical philosopher, author and internet marketing coach dedicated to helping you translate your Soul's Calling into a journey of empowerment and choice. Her inspiring and motivating series, Off the Beaten Path, Creative Thinking for the Entrepreneur is designed to help you stay open to the new, the unusual, and the unexpected. Learn more at

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