Monday, January 31, 2011

Gratitude As A Magic Wand

Miracles are showing up every day--unexpected opportunities, new potential clients calling, signs and signals from the Universe at every turn. It's incredible. And I've only done one thing to allow it to happen--I focus on what I am grateful for and I thank the universe many times a day.

What we focus on is what we attract. The Law of Attraction says like attracts like. So when I focus on having a large savings account that means there is no debt. When I focus on a flexible body, that means my body is toned and balanced. Get the idea? If you want more clients, focus on the great ones you do have and you will attract more of them. If you have a difficult client, focus on the great clients you do have and you'll draw more of them. If you focus on the difficult client, guess what you'll get....more difficult clients.

Start a Gratitude List. The easiest way to change your thinking around gratitude is to start a Gratitude List. Keep it handy. Enter into it at night before you go to bed. Enter into it in the morning when you journal and meditate. Keep it at your desk during the day. When you start looking for the abundance of good that the Universe sends your way, you'll need an entire notebook for your list!

Ask for Signs. This is one of my favorites. If I am not certain about a pending decision, I ask for signs and signals. It always works. Once I got a signal in the form of an opportunity that I said "no" to because I had another plan in mind, but a few days later I realized that it had indeed been a prompt from my Invisible Self and I needed to say "yes." It's ok to refuse an opportunity, but do be clear about exactly what you are saying "no" to.

Let Go and Give It Over To the Universe. Plans can get in the way. If I have some sort of major plan that I am attached to, I'm not going to see or hear or accept the opportunities that the Universe sends my way. On the other hand, when I move through my day being open to what is naturally appearing, I let myself be guided into the infinite possibilities that the Universe is offering me! When I hold tightly to my own concepts of how things should be, I literally shut off the flow of life. Stay open to the infinite flow that is within and without you every moment. Accept its gifts that are constantly being offered.

Be in the Here and Now. There is nothing that exists beside this very moment. There is no tomorrow. There is no yesterday. Worry is a waste of time. Worry makes you sick. Do you know what the word "worry" means? It means concern, anxiety, agonize, apprehension, fear. Who needs it! There is nothing you can do about the future; there is nothing you can do about the past. And why bother; you have everything you need this very moment.

Hugh Prather says it perfectly:

"To be fully content within this moment is a state of mind so powerful in its ability to heal and extend peace that it cannot be even hinted at in words. Anxiety--the only alternative to trusting what is happening--is a state of immobilization caused by our focusing on what we believe cannot be changed; on what is over; or on what has not occurred.

This instant we have everything we need, and within this instant we have everything. We can therefore trust what happens because there will never be a time when it will not be now. "

Wave Your Magic Wand. Be grateful this minute. Be grateful in every moment of now. Be grateful for the sun shining in the window, or the rain watering the land. Be grateful for your companionship with others and for the silence of your own company. If your life is not yet exactly how you would like it to be, focus on the parts of it that bring you joy and satisfaction and watch more joy and satisfaction come into your life. Watch for the signs and signals. Some are big and others could almost go unnoticed. Allow yourself to be in the moment--fully and completely in the incredibility of the moment--and give thanks for the infinite possibilities that are lined up before you.

Gratitude is a magic wand. Wave it every day.

Cara Lumen helps bring your vision to life. She is a metaphysical philosopher, author and internet marketing coach dedicated to helping you translate your Soul's Calling into a journey of empowerment and choice. Her inspiring and motivating series, Off the Beaten Path, Creative Thinking for the Entrepreneur is designed to help you stay open to the new, the unusual, and the unexpected. Learn more at

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's the Thoughts, Stupid!

Yes, can you believe it? It's the thoughts, it was like that all along. After all these years thinking the solution to our problems laid in a foggy castle of a far away and foreign reign with the illusion that somehow, in a magic pastel color way one day is going to materialize in front of our eyes and fix everything... too much of misinterpreted fairy tale mentality over too many years. Now we have to discern. Who would have thought that the magic wand to the miracle of change is in those millions of unimportant and irrelevant thoughts marching in our head daily and persistently. I just can't get enough of it. The idea that the power I always longed for was there, before my eyes, in my thoughts, within reach, totally fascinates me. Believe me, I searched. I did, long and hard. I am flabbergasted with the reality that I actually have a magic wand in my hands. Not afar... Right here, inside. Go figure, how could I have had "soullutions" anywhere else outside. I am so grateful to me, for allowing myself to see it. Every day. The alternative would have been more of the same and we all know how that feels.

In the beginning, it was difficult. Hard work, but just because you have to pay more attention, and attention towards the inside is something you are not accustomed to. That's the hard work. To put the effort into getting accustomed to something. It's not too bad. The rewards are effortlessly dancing the power of your life without distractions or interruptions. You redirected the attention to the center. From the center there is a better view of everything.

Those thoughts that seem harmless. However, they are preventing you to be you...and is so many of them. Millions. Dr Stanley Haleakala Hew Len, the Hoopono master, coauthor with Joe Vitale of "Zero Limits" says there are about 15.000.000. An imaginary giant "white out" would go a long way. You just picture it in your head and click to any disposable thought. Imagine, 15.000.000! It's too long the list of bad habits that have to be erased from our database. It will take some effort. In a way is like unlearning all the learned. To see again with the freshness of your innocent child. Your essence. You might start doing it. without delay. This is the kind of thing you don't postpone.

Those thoughts that trespassed the fences of your free will, installing themselves in your head. The lamenting choir of the oracle, weaving a patched up reality that does not pertain to you. That's the worst part, they are not even your own thoughts. They made their way through, when you were little or vulnerable, you couldn't help it. Then, they grew roots. You got used to them. Attached to the miss conceived concept of comfort. The com for of the known. You see through their eyes a lot of the times. The thing is, your life ought to be seen only through your own eyes.

You keep having doubts or indecision ? Assert your right to fail.

Imagine that you call a mandatory meeting.

Yes, invite all those people having a conversation inside your head. They show up in the form of one of your parents or both, your siblings, your friends, one neighbor, your grandmother your spouse or the 3rd grade teacher. All those voices whose volume is louder than yours. Whatever voice that's influencing your behavior, instead of the voice of your soul.

Those familiar voices. The baby blanket that we have outgrown. A part of you wants to hold on to them... you have been doing it for years... The uncertainty of the unknown makes you nervous. Nevertheless, they only are memories from the past, trying to assert themselves in the present. They belong with a photo album. With their whisper of wisdom from their experience. Not a vital voice in the stage of your life today.

Invite them to sit around a round table and tell them how grateful your are for them. How you appreciate their existence in your life. And yes, you love them. Or you don't. Or you don't know...But for the gods sake this is your life and you need to find your own ways. Tell them that you as-well as they came to this world with a sacred purpose and it's your duty to decide what path you take to find it. You will take charge of your duty. You will take their advise when necessary. Many times they are right, many times they are wrong. It's irrelevant. You are willing to assert your right to fail, read the perfection of your errors with them and discern, together. Like the lovely old song, one of my favorites..."the famous man that had to fall to rise again and picks himself up, dust himself off and starts all over again." He picks himself up.

Get them all to join forces on your cause and support you. Work together. There is always light in the ashes of your errors. It's up to you to look hard and you need more eyes. They will help look, and understand . Create unity. Team.

Take full responsibility every step.

Under your leadership they will become the mastermind group dedicated to your growth.

Get into the habit of guarding those thoughts.

White out the irrelevant ones. On regular basis.

With the others you follow up like a hawk.

They will adjust with a sense of relief. Before you know, they will be a team on automatic pilot, helping you find the path of your purpose. Your own cheer leaders. Your own support group. Like any project with a good foundation. A healthy mastermind group in your head to project to the outside world. And then you can change the world. You started with you. It's just a doable strategy.

Don't forget the phrase, it's the thoughts, stupid! nothing else. It will be a reminder.In the meantime, share the experience and tell the stories. Is helpful, very helpful.

Luz Aguirrebena

Soul Hang Out Founder

If you truly feel like it, continue the discussion about your thoughts creating your reality. The faster you get at it, the faster will be to manifest your dream and your life purpose. is a source to start thinking about it. Start aligning your thoughts in that direction. Sharing the experience. What are your thoughts about this? Please let me know.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

How to Make Any Man Fall in Love With You - No Magic Wand Required!

Is there such a thing as a secret potion that will make any man fall in love? Is witchcraft the only way to steal a man's heart? How difficult can it be to get a guy to love me? Unfortunately there is magical fairytale potion that will make a guy fall in love with you, so you'll just have to do things the old fashioned way. Fortunately, help is at hand. Male psychology has taught us some tricks that just might be the magic formula you're looking for. Here are my top three tips to make any man fall in love with you:

#1 - Instead of going on one date, go on three shorter dates. This could mean simply going to three places on one night. How you work out the logistics of this is up to you, but the aim is to spread your time out over different locations. This is a bit of a cheap trick but it works. It will create the illusion that you have spent more time together and that you have gotten to know each other more.

#2 - Use 'association' to change the way he feels about you. This is a psychological trick that will make any man fall in love. The idea is to teach him to associate you with certain emotions. You could take him somewhere exciting and do something fun or exhilarating together. This would make him see you as an exciting person because he would link the feeling with being in your presence. The same idea works well if you make him relaxed. This would make him feel more comfortable in your presence. Unfortunately there is no way to make him associate you with feelings of love specifically, but love could be construed as a mixture of these different emotions.

#3 - Learn to understand your man and what make him tick. This will allow you to read his emotions and respond accordingly. Men are notoriously bad at reading signals but women can be just as bad at understanding their men (especially when men hide their emotions so well). If you learn to read his body language then you will know exactly what he's thinking and exactly what he wants. Unfortunately this will take time to master.

So put away your spell book and empty your cauldron. Magic won't be able to help you, but an understanding of male psychology will enable you to make any man fall in love with you.

Imagine what if you could make any man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you? Click Unforgettable Woman Advice and learn 77 Secrets that ninety percent of women have never heard. You have got to see this!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hitachi Magic Wand Massager Review

The Hitachi Magic Wand Massager is the best thing I've ever spent my money on my whole life. It's a massager and a vibrator- 2-in-1, and it satisfies me either way. Do you hate it when you buy massagers that are so expensive, but don't really hit the right spots to give you that relaxing and pleasurable feeling? Are you looking for a massager you can use to pleasure yourself to climax in a matter of seconds?

If so, then the Magic Wand will perform wonders for you. This wand is 12 inches in length and has a 2-diameter spongy head. The perfect size, if you ask me. The wand's neck is also firm yet flexible, so you can massage those hard to reach places.

What's more, you can go fast (6000rpm) or slow (5000rpm), for your ultimate satisfaction. Also, the electric DC operation the device is equipped with allows for constant and long-lasting power in the device. This wand will never leave you hanging.

I didn't read any reviews prior to purchasing the Hitachi Massager. I was suffering from lower back pains and I just bought it to try it out. Of course, it worked like a charm and my back pains disappeared within minutes. Then, I checked out the reviews on Amazon, and they got me curious.

So, I tried it out that same night, and gosh that was the best I ever had. If you haven't tried the Magic wand yet, you're missing out, so get yourself the Hitachi Magic Wand Massager now!

For more information, check other Hitachi Magic Wand Massager reviews.

Erika Ayala works part time for a consumer review company.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011


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